Mom to Mom:

my small victories, struggles and advice on the day to day.

I started this blog space on the internet so I can share with you my personal Motherhood journey - and how my relationship with that journey became so much more meaningful and joyful when I was fully rested. I’m passionate about all things that bring a sense of harmony and calm into parenting. On this little blog, I hope to share those things with you - from healthy recipes for you or your baby, sleep training advice, self-care practices and so much more.Parenthood is not easy which is why I want to encourage you by sharing what works for me and my family on a daily basis :)

Open letter to Parent


February 13, 20222 min read

Written by Diana Martins

I have a strong willed child. He is my first born and I really went through a tough time raising him especially as a baby. We had sleep issues, feeding issues and he was very sensitive to his environment and other people. He was very quick to cry.

I would look to sky and wonder why did I get this particular child. I’m so good with babies and children, why is this particular soul so sensitive and creating so much havoc in my little world. I thought having a child would be more joyful.

What I have realized over the years, is that it was never about the child. It was about me. The day I met my son, little did I know, was the day I met my little Guru. This child was specially given to me so I could learn to endure and push myself to be stronger. The only way you can be patient is if you have experienced frustration. The only way you can be empathic and compassionate is if you have experienced heart break and loss.

My baby was just being himself — and he was perfect. I was the one who needed to work on myself to be better. I had to explore my beliefs, search for ways to parent him with love and understanding as well as identify my own triggers. It had nothing to do with him being more “spirited” or stubborn.

Looking back, I never trusted my own intuition as a new Mother. I heavily relied on the advice and help of others. I didn’t protect my autonomy to parent at times and that is when I felt the most lost and confused. Once I started to take matters into my own hands, doing my own research and trusting my gut, my experience and ability to parent this little boy shifted for the better.

There is a saying that the universe works FOR you and nothing is done TO you. I’ve become a completely different person since being led by my mini Guru. My wish is if you feel this way, it’s time to direct your energy inwards and instead of quickly labelling your child as difficult/stubborn or strong willed. Soak up the mini lessons they are giving you each and every day.

Open Letter

Myself and my mini Guru. When you have a “spirited” child, parenting can be harder than you ever expected.

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Diana Martins

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